The last debate was the best in terms of format. McCain's performance was very strong. But in a year when the well has been poisoned against Republicans, in part by their actions, in large part by their inability to communicate, and in large part by an MSM thoroughly biased to the left, and with the economy tanking, was it enough?
Last night was McCain's best performance by far. His likening Obama's economic plans to Herbert Hoover, the man who led us into the Great Depression, and McCain's discussion of the Colombia free trade agreement were just a few of the high points of the evening for McCain. The low point of the evening for McCain, I thought, was in answer to the first question, when he began to expound on the economic crisis by citing to "Wall St. greed." The problem's we face are not founded on Wall St. They are founded on Clinton and the left's intervention into the mortgage market beginning two decades ago. They are founded on ACORN and other people - Obama included - who fought to degrade lending standards rather than seek color blind equality in lending. Wall St. is an important player in this collapse, but in the scheme of things, they are a bit player in what happened. McCain's failure to explain that last night was, perhaps, a fatal error.
Thankfully, it only got better then there for McCain. And on Obama's side, we were treated to falsehoods about abortion, Ayers and ACORN. Unfortunately, with a media in the tank , Obama could spin whatever fantasies he wanted up there, and by the time news of it breaks beyond the shield wall the MSM have created for Obama, the election will be long over.
At any rate, the long and short, I am feeling very pessimistic about this one. I think the chances of McCain winning the election are fading because popular perception is that Democrats are better for the economy. The problem is that, if that was ever, at any time true, that perception does not comport with today's reality. The people in charge on the left are not left of center democrats. Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are both on the far left end of the scale, a place where Adam Smith is not welcome. I think McCain made a last good effort, though I do not think it enough. I hope that I am wrong. If not, we will soon see America remade.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Final Debate
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Thursday, October 16, 2008
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Granted, the debates reach a large market of voters, but McCain/Palin are making the rounds too and from what I've heard on other blogs, people are gun-ho for them and showing up in large numbers.
I think Obama's 'spread the wealth' comment to Joe the Plumber is going to resonate with voters. People work hard for their money, and they do not want their good fortune to be spread around to especially those who won't get off their lazy backsides and work hard. Sure the lazy are going to be all for spreading the wealth around because they are not going to have to give up anything. Let's hope there are more haves, than have nots in America.
Also small businesses have provided 100% of all new jobs in the U.S. in the past year...I believe, while the big corporations, etc. are laying people off by the hundreds of thousands, etc. If most people work for small businesses, they are going to not like the idea that their employers might have to lay them off because the higher taxes are making it difficult for them to expand outward and upward. Therefore, employees of small businesses are going to be thinking about their own necks and about how they need to eat and have a roof over their head, and Obama's plan of taxing those with an income over $250,000 is not going to be appealing to employers or middle-class employees.
"....because the higher taxes are making it difficult for them to expand outward and upward 'and/or keep the status quo'.
Joanne, 3 more important points. People forget that 250k today will not mean the same in 4 years, with the inflation we will likely see under a democratic administration. This 250k will be a middle class tax increase. My second point is that Obama was not talking of 250k in his original proposal but 200k. Again, that is many more people to be taxed. And 3rd and final point is that companies pass these taxes onto others, namely the consumer. You tax Joe more, you pay more for his plumbing services. Therefore everyone will pay these higher taxes.
GW, This lack of interest in blogging at informative well reasoned sites such as yours, as opposed to nonsensical propaganda from NYT et al., seems to be an epidemic. What's the point of making an effort if it doesn't pay off. I guess more of the same to come from working class Americans if Obama administration gets to rule this country. Your discussions have become an enjoyable daily habit for some, myself included. I hope to see more of your posts soon.
Ok Wolf,
I am tired of waiting around for your posts and decided to write my own. Since I have enormous respect for your thoughts, I would like to hear what you think.
Hope you publish part II of Hurricane Subprime soon. If the Republicans could only absorb and transmit the information of HS part I to the public they could get back on the scoreboard. Otherwise we are stuck with a one party government for the foreseeable future, as the Democrats blame the GOP for the coming economic Depression.
GW - I've been offline myself due to a series of extenuating circumstances.
Thought I'd better say something in case people start speculating that we are off somewhere together...
that's a joke, son.
Hope all is okay with you, bud!
Yes, Dinah, I worry too.
But, he's already put up an earlier posting about his premature demise.
Let's hope (as I think it is) that it's just a case of LIFE intruding.
Sometimes, the day job takes priority.
Thanks, Paul. I'm hoping that's all it is too.
We're missing our Wolf Howling!
has anyone tried emailing him?
Get busy.
Start typing.
The nation needs you.
I sent an email over the transom a day or so ago. Haven't heard back.
Wolf, I even corrected myself from using the term "a pack of wolves" in a negative context and changed it to a pack of hyenas.
I hope to see you writing soon.
I sent an email and so far, no reply. :-(
You ok, wolf?
Somebody? Anybody know what's up?
Allen In Fort Worth
Still no reply here.
I am trying not to worry.
Praying for you GW.
Any news? Anybody?
Ditto, Dinah.
No news here, I'm sorry to say. Still praying though.
Me, too.
happy holiday hugsss!
GW - I'm still checking up on you.
You are missed.
Yes. You are missed.
The final debate was disappointing, and the wall to wall Obama worship leading up to this inauguration is depressing, I'm hoping that is the explanation for your absence. And, hope you come back.
I'm linking to your post on Republicans and race - Standing At The Crossroads - Identity Politics, Multiculturalism & The Melting Pot (Updated & Bumped) in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Your links... WSJ, and to this DR. ALVEDA C. KING
(...) My grandfather, Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr., or “Daddy King”, was a Republican and father of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican. (...)
Rose - what a nice idea to link to some of GW's best...
I'm hoping you're still out there, GW and that as Rose says, you're just wildly depressed because of the recent beatification of the Messiah.
Dinah, I'm starting to worry. He would have found a way to get to the blog is his computer had crashed. Borrow time on a friend's computer, or something.
But I am hoping for the best for this very nice man.
I saw a lot wolf pictures on your blog, I think you must like it very much, so am I. On the cold white snow world, one grey wolf was seeking something in the forest, its eyes, its ears ... good image.
Wishing you the best. Hope you're okay.
Rose - I fear our friend GW has run into serious trouble. Like you and The Whited Sepulchre I continue to think of him and wonder if he's okay.
Dinah - I fear you may be right. If it was just a computer being down, he would have borrowed a friend's or posted from a wi-fi site somehow.
No response from email?
I suggest saving some of your favorite posts - there's alot of good info he wanted out there - we can keep it alive.
The one thing that keeps me from worrying TOO much is the fact that this blog is still here, five and a half months after his last article.
Had the worst happened, at some point would have just closed the account and shut it down.
He may be going through something at present and is keeping the option of coming back some day in better circumstances.
Pure speculation on my part; I KNOW no more than you all do.
I hope to God that he is alright.
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