Sunday, November 25, 2007

Interesting News From Around the Web

The far left are still pushing hard for an impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Good luck with that.

So is al-P photographer Bilal Hussein the completely innocent victim of a plot hatched by our evil U.S. military . . . or perhaps not? It all seems to have shaken Instapundit’s belief in the veracity of our press.

According to the Asia Times, the very existence of Israel “embodies the last, best chance for the Islamic world to come to terms with the modern world. . . . The premise of Western policy is to tread lightly upon Muslim sensibilities. That is an error of first magnitude, for Muslim sensibilities are what prevents the Islamic world from creating modern states. Islam cannot produce the preconditions for democracy in the Western sense out of its own resources.” Read it all here. I concur and for the reasons stated therein. (h/t Jules Crittenden)

Lenin's corpse has a rare reason to smile. A new workers' paradise is sprouting in Venezuela, under the direction of the sometimes clownish but always cunning President Hugo Chavez.

The Weekly Standard is running a story on the newly invigorated Tories under the leadership of the boy wonder, David Cameron. I have my doubts about the Tories. Their refusal to promise a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty is very bad indeed. The Tories seem more concerned with the UKIP than with the transfer of Britain’s sovereignty to the EU.

In multicultural Britain, to proclaim one’s faith in God is to be called a “nutter” according to Tony Blair.

Classical Values has a fascinating post on fuel costs and energy R&D, comparing the EU and America.

Even as fatalities have dropped and the security situation measurably improved, Democrats continue to push for a full withdrawal of all police from NYC.

Biased BBC is reporting that the publicly funded BBC is squealing like a pig over their rivals, SKY news, whose reporting is generally recognized to be faster, more accurate, and sufficiently less biased “that during the Iraq War, the crew of HMS Ark Royal chose Sky News over BBC News because "The BBC always takes the Iraqis' side. It reports what they say as gospel but when it comes to us it questions and doubts everything the British and Americans are reporting".

From the Rightwing Nuthouse - its official. America has lost its collective grip on 9-11 reality. Dennis Kucinich must be putting something in the water. But Cheatseeking Missles thinks that it may just be that the pollsters were looking for specific results.

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