Friday, February 5, 2010

For Liberals, The Observation That "The Peasants Are Revolting" Is A Pun.

The title of this post is a quote of one of the more trenchant and humorous observations made by Charles Krauthammer in his article today, "The Great Peasant Revolt of 2010." The article is a bit of shooting fish in the barrel. Krauthammer uses his column to frame a truism, that the far left, in their boundless arrogance, view the average American as intellectualy challenged and heap upon those who object to their agenda charges of a nefarious motivation. It is a very enyoyable read. As Krauthammer concludes:

. . . No matter how far the ideological pendulum swings in the short term, in the end the bedrock common sense of the American people will prevail.

The ankle-dwelling populace pushes back. It recenters. It renormalizes. Even in Massachusetts.


Ian R. Thorpe said...

Did the Politically Correct Though Police accuse you of "Peasantism"?

I got in trouble last year when I blogged a story about nude models in Paris staging a naked rebellion about pay and conditions under the Title "Nude Models Of Paris Are Revolting." Even when I spelled it out they still insisted I was being sexist.

GW said...

Lol. That's funny. The thought police are both out of control and lacking in any sense of humor.

The One said...

> The ankle-dwelling populace pushes back. It recenters. It renormalizes. Even in Massachusetts.

What? Ankle dwelling!?!?

I was talking to the ankle grabbing!?!? What happened to them, dammit!!??

O Bloody Hell said...

Along the same lines, I like a great Dilbert strip in which Dogbert comes in with his crown and scepter, and intones:

"This is a test of the Emergency Monarch System"

"This is only a test"

"If this had been an actual monarchy, you would already be wretched."