The investigation of Florida's Special Prosecutor into what happened in the death of Trevon Martin and whether George Zimmerman is in any way culpable is still ongoing. But the trial and sentence of Zimmerman by the race hustlers has been finalized.
Yet evidence that racism was behind the death of Trevon Martin is not merely dwindling into absence, but is being contradicted as more facts come out (see here, here, here and here). But that is not lessening the calls of the race hustlers for the immediate arrest of George Zimmerman, or in some circles of the black community, vigilante "justice." And is there any doubt whatsoever that this is headed for race riots if Zimmerman is not charged for insufficient probable cause or, if tried, found innocent?
Given all the above, is the Trevon Martin case going to be the race hustlers last big hurrah? Probably not, but it is shaping up to be a major milestone along the path. The race hustlers are determined to label Martin's death an act of racism, irrespective of the facts; they are demanding that everybody not black wallow in collective guilt; their movement is coming far more to resemble a lynch mob than a demand for justice; and the whole situation is highlighting some awful realities that the "black leadership" wants all America to ignore, such as the fact that young black males, who comprise about 2% of our population, are responsible for 30% of the crime. You can find many more such facts here.
Victor Davis Hanson touches on much of this in a recent column at PJM:
Much of black America, and many liberals in general, believe that the Martin shooting is a classic reminder of both contemporary racial prejudice, and the wages of decades of discrimination and oppression in the United States. In such a climate and in a country with such a history, there is not necessarily logic to be found, or some sort of constructed equivalence. Instead, they accept that America is a racist society, and then all of the above assumptions take on a certain logic.
The problem?
There are millions of Americans who do not buy into the above paradigm. Millions of whites were born decades after the civil rights movement, and do not believe, rightly or wrongly, that they are privileged on the basis of their race. They came of age in the era of affirmative action, do not discriminate or tolerate discrimination, do not wish to utter the repulsive N-word, and, to be candid, often have experienced first-hand inordinately high black crime percentages. (My first two experiences with violent crime were as a graduate student in East Palo Alto in 1975, when an African-American male tried to break into my apartment with a bat, and when two African-American males tried to knock me off a bike and steal it.) For millions, then, the notion of collective guilt is less palatable. Millions of others are Latino, Asian, or of mixed heritage. In their view, fairly or not, they too do not accept many of the above premises: they do not see their apostasy as racism, and charges of racism cause them little worry. Nor do a growing number of blacks see their fates as predicated on the degree present of white racism.
In other words, we are left with the following paradoxes: the traditional civil rights industry will see the Martin case as an indictment against America, one deserving of compensatory and reparatory action from the majority, which they are prepared to oversee and adjudicate. The majority, of citizens, however, sees the current civil rights hierarchy as much of the problem with, not the solution to, the Martin tragedy. No, it is worse than that still: the Martin case has evoked renewed interest not in disproportionate rates of black crime alone, but in the civil rights leadership’s apparent lack of concern about it.
What has happened to a large section of the black community in America is a travesty - and responsiblity for it can be laid at the feet of the left who hijacked the civil rights movement after the death of MLK, turning it from a cry for equality into a tool of power politics seeking permanent victim status. Remember when our color-centric AG, Eric Holder, told the world that white Americans were cowards for refusing to hold an honest conversation on race in America. That really was turning reality on its head. The last thing our modern left wants is an honest conversation about race in our society. But I think the irony of the Trevon Martin case is that it is bringing us a great deal closer to that necessary day when the left will be forced into one.
Update: An LAPD Officer has also written at PJM on how the "race grievance industry" is making a huge issue out of the Trevor Martin incident, yet ignoring the massive problem of black violence, particularly directed against other blacks. As he points out, the only problem in the black community is "racial profiling" by police. It is well worth a read.
QJust because millions of people, yourself included, apparently, are capable of muddled thinking regarding this issue, doesn't in fact, give your ideas any credence whatsoever. That is a very basic logical fallacy - actually twol - to whit, I am right because others agree with me and, secondly, I am right because of my personal experiences alone, without regard to the larger context surrounding the issues.
Anybody who has taken the trouble to acquaint themselves with the day to day facts regarding the civil rights violations of brown persons on our supposedly enlightened society would begin to question the dubious set of assumptions you and your ilk indulge in.
Thankfully, better minds than ours will adjudicate this matter and hopefully facts and justice will prevail, though I tend to doubt it. Please eductate yourself.
Oh, and sorry for the typos. Apple sucks -at least of serious uses like publishing...again, sorry, it is not very user friendly.
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