Sunday, August 25, 2013

Black Civil Rights Leaders No Longer "Have A Dream"

On Aug. 23, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr stood on the steps of the Washington Monument and delivered one of the two most notable orations in our nation's history, (the other being The Gettysburg Address). MLK spoke of having "a dream" that one day, all Americans would be judged by "the content of their character, not the color of their skin." It was the perfect speech given at just the right time. It had moral clarity. It was a demand for nothing more or less than that America finally live up to its founding claim, that "all men are created equal."

Now, fifty years later, Democrat Representative John Lewis, a man who was there with MLK on that day, shows what has become of the civil rights movement. He is not a black civil rights leader, fighting to correct the ills of black America. He has become a full member of the far left, a movement that cynically uses blacks, feeding them the purest of canards so that they will remain a solid far left voting block.

The civil rights movement was once a moral imperative - one that has all but completely succeeded in this country. Today, anti-black racism doesn't even register on the scale of what now plagues black America - education, poverty, criminality, family. But the civil rights movement is now reduced to a cesspool in which only race hustlers dwell. And the poster child for that morphing of the movement is John Lewis.

In addressing the crowds at the fifty year celebration of MLK's speech, Lewis did not say word one about the problems facing black America. Instead, he chose to play the race card, claiming that the right of blacks to vote was under attack. What utter hore manure. And what an utter slime ball. If you are black, you ought to be far more outraged than I am.

If Lewis cared about the plight of black America, he would have been beating his chest over something like the recent decision of Obama's Justice Dept. to sue Louisiana in order to stop their school voucher program. That is a voucher program that primarily helps poor black children escape failing public schools. Education really is the "civil rights" issue of our time. But have no doubt, when it comes to a decision of whether to support poor black children or the Teachers Unions, blacks lose every time. It is an obscenity. As is, for that matter, John Lewis fifty years on.

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