Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obama's Speech & Links On The Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" Speech

On Aug. 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave the single most compelling speech in our nation's history on the moral necessity of judging people by the content of their character, not the color of our skin. It change our nation's trajectory.

As we await comments from our Race Hustler In Chief, here are some links relevant to the day.

Here is my take on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement, something that was once concerned with equality, but now exists because of its value as a political tool for the left - The Civil Rights Movement, The Left & The Legacy of MLK

Perhaps the most thoughtful column of today comes from Dr. Ben Carson, who reflects on MLK and the Civil Rights movement of today in the Washington Times.

James Taranto at the WSJ ponders why the left needs to maintain the canard of rampant white racism in three parts - I, II and III.

Black Professor John McWhorter, who writes for TNR, takes to the WSJ to make the point that fifty years on, white racism is not the overriding issue facing blacks in America today. I agree with his conclusion, though I think that his assessment of the challenges is off.

At Black & Right, Bob Parks ponders the conservative messages of MLK in his famous 1963 speech, concluding with his own "dream" for Americans.

From Bookworm Room, Martin Luther King III Rejects His Father's Legacy & Goes To Washington To Parrot The Race Hustlers and her Thoughts On Race & Racism In America.

Update: You can read President Obama's speech here. As to the speakers in the lead up to Obama, not a single one mentioned the near total breakdown of the black family with nearly three quarters born to single mothers. Not a single one spoke to the problems of serious crime in the black community. Not a single one spoke to the problems of failing schools and the fact that DOJ is now pursuing a law suit in Louisiana to keep black children there in those feeling schools.

If we go down the checklist: Trayvon Martin - check. Stand your ground laws - check. Voter integrity laws - check. White racism today - check. Chris Lane - no. Delbert Benton - no. Fannie Gumbinger - no. Amelia Rudolph - no. Ginger Slepski - no. Indeed, no victim of feral black teen youths were mentioned, even though their acts are symptomatic of the real, true problems facing black society today.

And then there was Obama's speech. He did mention the same of the things above, but surely did not articulate anything resembling a clear message that these are the overriding problems of the black community, that they are not caused by racism, and that blacks need to focus on solving those problems within their community. His central message was that those who disagree with him are racists and what Blacks really need is more socialism, at one point suggesting how evil rich people were for hanging on to their money when it could be used to fund teachers unions crumbling schools.

What I found most sickening about Obama's speech was that he spoke of the economy as if he has had nothing to do with it over the past near 5 years. Obama's economic policies have done more harm to blacks in America in the past five years than the worst racist of whom any can conceive. Obama lambasted crony capitalism, as if it was something that was totally unconnected from this administration. And he spoke about the lack of good job opportunities when it's purely his policies that are turning us into a nation of part time Mc-workers.

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