Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Follies

Boy is it going to be a long next few months for incumbents . . .

Incumbent Mayor loses election to challenger who died a month ago

Not since the days of Indian Jones . . .

Rural Indians making human sacrifices to Kali again

From the "I know there is a joke in here somewhere" department . . .

UN reports Indians have more mobile phones than toilets

Blinded by jealousy . . .

Apparently, its true

The Miricale of Tongues . . .

A 13 yr. old Croatian girl went into a 24 hr. coma and, upon awakening, spoke only fluent German.

1 comment:

OBloodyHell said...

> ...said the study published by the United Nations University, a UN think-tank.

> "It is a tragic irony to think in India, a country now wealthy enough that roughly half of the people own phones," so many people "cannot afford the basic necessity and dignity of a toilet," said Zafar Adeel, the UN University director.

This clotheaded IDIOT is in charge of a "think" tank? Oh, right. It's the UN version of it. Sort of like the way they populate "peacekeeping" forces with pedophile rapists, they similarly assign total halfwit morons to "think tanks".

*Never Mind*.

It's patently OBVIOUS that you could get cell phone service easier than you could a functional toilet. The infrastructure expense differences between the two are enormous. And NOT in favor of the toilet. I don't have numbers to prove it but I'd lay good odds that the expense difference, in PPP dollars, is probably greater than 10:1 -- and most likely much higher -- 100:1 would not surprise me.

Just some casual thought about it makes it obvious. A functional toilet requires a massive plumbing outlay, water and sewage processing facilities, and all the far from trivial investment in materials that involves, as well as continuously substantial overhead operating expenses.

Cell phone service requires the user and the provider to make a certain up-front investment in equipment (which is still going to be FAR less than that for functional toilets), then everything from that point is a fraction of the total costs involved.

I mean, f***ing DUH...

What the hell does it take to get one of these cushy UN jobs that clearly requires no intellectual capacity of any kind... a lobotomy?