Thursday, April 29, 2010

The World's Most Airbrushed Photo?

Do you recognize that person on the cover of Capitol Fill magazine. Believe it or not, that 30-something looking woman with the Madonna smile is supposedly . . . crazy Nancy Pelosi. So has anyone alive ever seen Crazy Nancy look like that?

is this the world's most blatant case ever of airbrushing? Compare and contrast with the (barely edited) photo of crazy Nancy below the fold and then answer the question.


Ex-Dissident said...

I thought it was an unflattering photo of Katie Couric...go figure.

OBloodyHell said...

> I thought it was an unflattering photo of Katie Couric..

Katie Couric doesn't need flattery, she has professional brownnosers to do that for her...

Dr. Psycho said...

I find Republicans' sexua fetishization of Nancy Pelosi endlessly amusing.