Jordana Zeldin, 24, photographer I knew our nation was imperfect, but I had no idea that in comparison it had so many flaws that we need to become more like, well, I am not sure who Ms. Z has in mind. Perhaps we can take lessons in democracy from the EU, a government form that retains the terminology of democracy while dispensing with the popular vote? Or perhaps we can become more Soviet like, as we may if Sen. Obama and the far left have their way. And one has to love Ms. Z's moral relativism spoken without any context and plied with a healthy does of identity politics. Kellam Clark, 30, furniture maker and artist Mr. C is very confused. No Republicans showed up at the Dem debates. To the contrary Obama has been ducking and running from any direct debates with McCain like a mouse running away from a cat. And if he thinks Obama is coming out on top, obviously he did not tune in to Saddleback. Viola Afrifa, 24, Student A woman smitten by Obama and his teleprompter. As to "a new way of dealing" with other countries, obviously Ms. Afrifa's history lessons did not reach the 1930's. Obama's plan is not new, and it has been thoroughly discredited by history, and even Obama has disowned it as a plan. As to not "looking only at American self-interest," that is likely an accurate assessment. Given the number of people in his past now clinging to the bottom of the bus and the number of principles Obama has once claimed only to toss under the bus, I fully expect that a President Obama would put his political needs above the needs of the country. He's sort of the anti-McCain that way. Sei Smith, 18, Student If we all tap our heels together three times and just believe. . . . This is the Disney culture gone wild. It is interesting that Mr. Smith accepts Obama's take on experience without any sort of intellectual analysis. Obviously he wants to 'believe.' It is of note also that Smith sees Obama as a "bridge to more radical views." Obama's past is littered with radicals from Bill Ayers to Jeremiah Wright to name but a few. And his views on abortion that allow for infanticide are as radical as one will find in or outside of Washington. So Mr. Smith's is probably a correct assessment. If Obama takes over, it will in fact mark the first time that the far left has actually been handed the keys to the White House. Even Carter and Clinton ran as centrists. Tony Gabaton, 30, community organiser You have to love this one. What Obama did to get his Illinois state senate seat makes Florida 2001 look pristine and non-controversial. Obama only won his U.S. Senate seat when supporters were able to get the Court records unsealed on his opponents divorce (from the lovely Jeri Ryan). He has tossed campaign finance reform to the wind, and now he is preparing to buy votes in Philly. There is nothing about Obama that smacks of respect for the democratic process. As to 'cynical' - look that word up in the dictionary, I will be surprised if you do not find Obama's picture. Or if not there, then next to the definitions of 'hypocrisy' and 'ambition.' Obviously, the facts matter far less to Mr. G than does the fact that Gore lost the 2001 election.
Prepare to be amazed at their intellectual prowess. It is man (and woman) on the street interviews in NYC with individuals so smitten with The One that they wear his visage for all to see on their t-shirts. This from an article in the Guardian (our MSM would never dare run this) wherein the first person at bat gives away her political bent by comparing Obama to Che Guerva in terms of marketing appeal.
This from the Guardian:
Obama has become like Che Guevara in terms of what his face represents on merchandising. . .
. . . Obama represents this uniting force. He is willing to address the fact that America is far from perfect, in fact wildly flawed, in the way that recent politicians haven't done. For America to be this beacon of democracy it always says it is, it needs to acknowledge its flaws, look to other countries as models and build up from there. In terms of his biological and cultural make-up, he represents what America is - this racially mixed melting pot. It speaks to a lot of people who have moved to America or come from mixed families.
Unfortunately, the other interviewees get no better. Next up:
I was sceptical about Obama initially. . . .
But then during the period in which he was debating against Hillary and the Republicans, he came out on top. I thought, I'll support him - he felt like the only one available to me. I'm now supporting [independent presidential candidate] Ralph Nader since he jumped back into the race. But I don't see it as a contradiction to wear the T-shirt. I still see it as important to endorse Obama, as one of the politicians we have available to us as progressive Americans. I don't go for the dream stuff, but he represents a changing of the guard. . . .
. . . I'm fascinated by Obama's eloquence, the way that he speaks, both in terms of rhythm and words. I'm studying political communications, the way people project themselves, and he uses all of the techniques. The academic interest alerted me to Obama at first, and then it became political.
Obama is happy to negotiate without conditions, or so he says. He has a new way of dealing with other countries without looking only at American self-interest. This is something quite revolutionary.
I'm wearing it partly because I like how it looks and partly because I support Obama. I'm not a political person but the other candidates didn't speak to me. I saw Obama on television saying that you don't necessarily need experience if you have belief, and that sometimes experience can cloud your vision. I thought that was interesting and cool. Obama is similar to Lincoln in that he is a visionary. He's not as extreme as most young people, but he is a bridge to more radical views. To be a politician in America you can't be extreme, but he is pretty radical as politicians go.
I wear the T-shirt because I admire Obama's forthright and genuine rhetoric; he is just cut from a different cloth from most politicians. After everything that went down in Florida in 2001 I was very cynical about the whole political process. He has revived hope in me as well as others. . . .
You can read the entire Guardian article here. In all fairness, these folk are young and thus have an excuse for their lack of intellectual rigor. Our MSM on the other hand . . .
(H/T Maggies Farm)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Obamamatons
Posted by
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Labels: abortion, Alice Palmer, Barack Obama, Che, debates, identity politics, intellectual prowess, Jeremiah Wright, moral relativism, obama, Obamamatons, radicalism, William Ayers
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the young and naive excuse can only be applied to the 18yo. the 30 year-olds are just plain brain dead zombies.
A community organiser is paid by the state, and by voting for Obama, votes for the expansion of that state that pays him. Just as his vote for gore was in 2001.
That's not the act of a brain-dead zombie. He's merely a coward.
(and therefore not quite as innocent as merely being "brain-dead")
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