This is Sarah Palin
. . . America’s hottest governor and the Republican nominee for Vice President.
She is the governor of Alaska
. . . the northernmost of our fifty some odd states.
She has an approval rating over 80%. That is . . .
. . . almost better than God's.
She likes fishing . . .
. . . for salmon
She likes hunting . . .
. . . for moose.
And Mooseburgers . . .
. . . are whats for dinner at the Alaska Governor's mansion.
What she doesn't eat . . .
. . . makes for comfortable office decor.
She started out her adult life as a working woman, a hockey mom, . . .
. . . and a runner up for Miss Alaska.
Obama started out as . . .
. . . a follower of the Marxist organizer Saul Alinsky.
Palin won her first election for executive office to become . . .
. . . the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska in 1996.
She did so by beating a three term incumbent . . .
. . . in a hotly contested election.
Obama won his first election to the Illinois State Senate . . .
. . . by having his competition, Alice Palmer, a civil rights icon, decertified from the ballot by his attorneys. Likewise, none of his subsequent elections to office were models of democracy.
Palin is famous for blowing the whistle on massive corruption
. . . at the very top of Alaska's Republican Party.
Obama is famous for meeting corrupt people . . .
. . . befriending them and doing business deals.
Palin has a twenty year old son . . .
. . . in the U.S. Army Infantry, a job that requires he put his life on the line in order to serve our country.
Obama attended Trinity United Church for 20 years . . .
. . . exposing his children to the deeply racist, seperatist and anti-American Black Liberation Theology and a preacher who damns America.
Palin has run businesses, including. . . .
. . . a commercial fishing business with her husband
That gives her more business experience than . . .
. . . these two combined.
Palin has been a mayor and is now a governor. That gives her more executive experience than . . .
. . . these two combined.
Palin went to Germany. She gave no speeches while there, but . . .
. . . she did visit wounded soldiers in Landstuhl
Obama went to Germany. He gave a speech to Germans . . .
. . . then exercised near Landstuhl
Palin has fought against . . .
. . . tax increases and earmarks
Obama has . . .
. . . sought millions in earmarks for special interests.
Obama voted against a bill that would have killed the funding for the most infamous pork project of the last decade, the $200+ million earmark for the Bridge to Nowhere . . .
When she became Governor of Alaska . . .
. . . Palin killed the Bridge to Nowhere project.
Palin is a huge proponent of . . .
. . . drilling in ANWR and off the coast to bring down gas prices.
Obama is a huge proponent of
. . . inflating your tires.
And Obama is fine with . . .
. . . $4 a gallon for gas
Palin is a lifetime member . . .
. . . of the NRA
Obama voted . . .
. . . against a bill to allow people threatened with domestic violence to carry a firearm for self protection and against a bill to protect a man from prosecution who had used a hand gun unlawful in Chicago to defend his family inside his own home.
The McCains adopted . . .
. . . an infant with heart ailments from an orphanage in Bangladesh and raised her to health and as one of their own children.
Obama adopted . . .
. . . the symbols of the presidency.
Palin is a working mom with five children . . .
Her fifth child was born four months ago. His name is Trig and they knew five months before he was born that he had Down's Syndrome . . .
They chose not to abort the child because she is pro-life.
That puts her at odds with Obama . . .
. . . who voted against an Illinois bill designed to stop infanticide of children born alive from botched abortions.
The Left says that Gov. Palin . . .
. . . is inexperienced and not ready to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Who would have guessed . . .
. . . that lack of experience is now a disqualifier - for the position Vice President.
Indeed, putting aside foreign policy, Gov. Palin has more and varied experience than
. . . these two combined
Some on the left are questioning her intelligence and trying to label her the second coming of . . .
. . . Mr. "potato-e," former Vice President Dan Quayle.
The MSM of the day magnified Qualye's gaffes, while it seems that the MSM of today is ignoring . . .
. . . the serial gaffes of at least one of the candidates who makes Dan Quayle seem erudite by comparison.
McCain wants the Left and the MSM to speak up about this stuff so that he and . . .
. . . his new BFF's can hear also.
Of one thing there is no question. Of all the four candidates for President and Vice President from the two parties . . .
. . . Gov. Palin is the only one I would want to see both in the White House and on the cover of Vogue showing a bit of cleavage.
(Update 2: I included the above photo in the belief that it was the actual cover of the edition of Vogue for which Gov. Palin posed in February, 2008. Yes, she posed for Vogue, no, the above is not one of the photos. It is a photoshop. I thank one of the commentors, Mare, for pointing this out.)
(Update: Jim at Bright & Early has an additional comparison worth a view)
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Palin In Comparison
Posted by
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labels: 57 states, adoption, alaska, Alice Palmer, Barack Obama, corruption, experience, gaffes, governor, infanticide, Landstuhl, Mayor, NRA, obama, pro-life, rezko, Sarah Palin, Wasilla
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Interesting observations! This post must have taken forever to write.
I budgeted two hours to writing this and getting together the pics. Suffice it to say, it took far more than two hours. It was getting the pics together and the links that ran laps around the time budget.
This was great! Hat tip from Seraphic Secret.
Pleeeeeeze make a YouTube video of this!!! I could use it!!
Beth in Winters, CA
lollllllllll . . . . alas, when it comes to youtube, I have all the technical expertise of McCain himself. But if anyone is interested . . . I am not claiming copyright.
That was a really good post, love the pictures. Especially the pigs. :)
What a great post!
Brilliant! Linking to it.
Her state borders Russia and Canada, she has completed a pipeline deal with Canada.
The Alaskan fisheries border the Japanese and South Korean fisheries, most likely she has dealt with those nations.
And she visited her troops in Iraq, she does command the Alaskan National Guard
So she has more foreign policy experience than Obama.
The moment that Palin's name was confirmed, the Obama-Biden team began to look like old-time machine politics, while McCain-Palin look brand new. Yes !
RE: " . . Gov. Palin is the only one I would want to see both in the White House and on the cover of Vogue showing a bit of cleavage."
Not a bit sexist now, are we? LOL
lol . . . No, not sexist at all. Merely human.
I bow to your post. At my blog, I am devoting the week to Sarah. I am Alaskan and have a link over there comparing Sarah to Barack. Poor Barack and we Alaskans feel sorry for Slow Joe's having to be compared face to face with her at the debate. Semper Fi i do not have a google name but I am Maysman on my blog.
“As a Democrat, I am reeling. That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.”
I've added one more for you to use:
Absolutely excellent.
Nice job with the hard work, Wolf.
When Word over at Flopping Aces recommended we come over and have a peek, just had to do it, GW.
And glad I did. Just may have to shut down the computer since nothing after this will leave this size grin on my face.
Well done, guy.
MataHarley from FA
Is this meant as only entertainment or was any of this information researched?
The format and the styling were meant for humor. I have links with many of the things I've marked above and you will find lengthy essays with extensive research behind them. Some are links to my my own essays and research, others are from Rick Moran and Dafydd ab Hugh.
Obama tries to be endlessly nuanced. To the extent the above goes for humor, I've removed the nuance.
That said, the nuance he provides is largely a smoke screen. For example, he justified killing an infanticide bill (no pun intended) in committee because he thought that the companion legislation was not perfect. That was either being incredibly disingenuous or it displayed incredibly poor judgment.
You will we see the same in regards to most positions Obama has taken. For example, there is his position on the Second Amendment. The link I provide on Obama will lead you to a long essay discussing his strong support for the type of draconian regulatory regime that was recently overturned by the Supreme Court. The same essay discusses his subsequent claim that his views and those of the recent Supreme Court are in lock-step. There is an incredible cognitive dissonance about Obama.
At any rate, by all means, follow the links and decide for yourself. Like all humor, this was tongue in cheek, but underlying it is fact.
Terrific post. Enjoyed the contrasts so clearly defined. I'll be referencing this in an upcoming post on my blog.
(h/t Bookworm)
Terrific job, GW!
Wonderful post? You left out the part about Palin offering a bounty on wolves in Alaska ($150 each) which is actually against the law! You left out many facts...only including ones that make her "look" good. And twisted facts about Obama to make him look bad. I guess you have an agenda! You must be so committed to the Republican Party that you are blind to the truth. People like you elected Bush, and then re-elected him. Funny, lots of those people are now whining and moaning about the last eight years. Sorry, can't take them back now. What we can do is carefully research the FACTS about both sets of candidates and make a decision that is right for the USA. People, don't just read this guy's cutesy blog and accept everything as the God's honest truth. At least do some reading. Read Obama's policies, not just the parts some guy with an agenda posts here to entertain you. Read McCain's policies too. What you find out might make you think twice - AND YOU SHOULD.
Your Best Ever. Brilliant.
Allen In Fort Worth
Hello, Eileen
Thanks for dropping by and posting a comment. I do appreciate it.
If you parouse my blog, you will find 99% of it dedicated to serious research and analysis. Indeed, if you click on any of the links included in the post above, they will lead you some of those posts. I invite you to start "reading" there. Then let's argue the facts, madame.
And within that same vein, though I am a bit flippant in this post - since I was shooting for humor - I have not in the least misrepresented Obama's positions or history. Again, before you start to label me or this blog, please argue a single point that is substantively incorrect.
Whited Sepulchre - thanks much.
A Must See...Obama is a ZERO! Pass it on!
A Must See...Obama is a ZERO! Pass it on!
So at the top of the ticket, we have The Hero vs. The Zero
And at the bottom of the ticket we have The Chick vs. The Dick
You had me until the Vogue cover at the end.
Her accomplishments stand on their own.
Her positions on important issues and her follow through on those issues stand on their own.
Her values and character stand on their own.
She is someones wife, daughter and mother (a soldier's mother no less). By objectifying her, people are giving fodder to the other side for her to be taken less seriously.
Fun is fun, but this is an election for the leader of our nation and his second in command. I think it deserves our respect, not Photoshop.
There will be plenty of time after they are elected to discuss the hot librarian look and Photoshop to our hearts content. Let's help assure that outcome by not giving the Obama camp anything to work with.
Mare, thank you for stopping by and commenting.
One, as far as I know, this is not a photoshop. Gov. Palin posed for Vogue and, though I have not purchased the magazine, some reputable sites were listing the photo above as the cover. The best way to deal with and defuse that is humor.
Two, I think you have to utterly seperate the final picture from the rest of the above post to claim that I am objectifying her. I did my best to portray her substance.
So we disagree on that one. But again, thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Midpoint Man - great video
Not everyone is whining about the last 8 years, as a matter of fact a lot of us are quite comfortable, and elated by the fact that GW has kept us safe from further attacks on our soil.
As for the Wolves- do you live in Alaska? If you did, you might have a different opinion. These are not endangered, cute little puppies, you know. They are dangerous predators, known to attack pets and humans, when they grow in number. So research YOUR facts, before you assume to know how we all feel about this candidate.
I have been following her for two months, thanks to a tip way back then. I think she is exactly what I wanted in a VP, a strong, intelligent, decent person with at least twice as much experience as the leftist Obama, who if elected, will drag us kicking and screaming, into a communist state.
McCain made a great choice, and the left can't stand it.
I enjoyed your post and linked it on my blog. I am also putting you on my blogroll....great job.
Mr Bob
Well, for my 2 cents, ever since I saw her name 2 months ago on the long short list. Is that right? Anyway about 2 months ago, I checked her out. Funny how the MSM dismissed her when her name came up then. Hmmmm, talk about sexist.
Anyway she seemed like a regular person. I learned to shoot guns and hunt when a young girl (lack of money for food and an ability to fill the meat locker), fish, work on the farm, chop wood, raise animals and food and also to come out to score the highest on my SAT exam of anyone from my school.
I didn't follow her into public office or anything like that but I know that doing those things does not make any difference in how a person lives. She did not just complain about the glass ceiling, she went out to play with the big boys in her state and showed them how it should be done. Hurrah.
So, ignore the nimwits and get on with the job. I think we will see great things from this ticket. I have already seen the backfire from it. My daughter has decided to vote because of the abuse of family. She didn't think it was a big deal but now she wants to vote against the msm and the Dem ticket for being so hypocritical.
Oh GW - you nailed this one!
Your best evah!!!
The moonbats are in full froth and fury and as usual, they signify nothing. You gotta love their whining and mewling about Sarah, though.
Thanks for putting a HUGE smile on my face this morning.
I'm going to have to completely agree with YMare". Sarah Palin needs to be respected by and for her credentials and her upright life. I have yet to hear of any man running for VP or Pres to be objectified and sexualized in order to win popularity or respect. (short of the Obama girl videos) Besides, she is a happily married woman... a handsome, athletic husband. Stop looking down her shirt (no, it's not her picture anyways...she would not pose this way, and even says she wishes she never did the swimsuit pagaent, because it is humiliating to have men size her up that way!), and give her the respect she deserves. The rest of your blog post is right on...McCain/Palin all the way! I think we've got it now!
GW - You've done a great job with this blog. The factual comparisions speak for themselves, but I must agree with those who have commented on the Vogue picture. The picture undermines the validity of the facts you have presented by planting the thought in some reader's minds that because the picture is a fake other portions of the information might be a fabrication as well. The picture also paints Palin as an exhibitionist which we all know she is not.
Never-the-less, those voters who have yet to make up their mind and those who are in the dark about Obama's radical and ultra liberal values may discount the entire blog package you so carefully constructed because of the picture. Let's not give the opposition any means to discredit the brillant blog you created. As for me and possibly others, I will not forward this site to my friends with the picture included for the reasons I've expressed.
Please consider my comments - If your intention was to make a postive impact on readers with the McCain/Palin team.
Best regards, The Conservative
I only wish I had the ability to see it your way. I am just afraid she will bring back the coat hangers, continue the torture and force everyone in this country to own a gun to feel safe. Palin's evangelistic charismatic mentality is only freighting based on the frailty of the geriatric state McCain is currently exhibiting. I would be shocked if he lasted longer than Obama's first assassination attempt.
The American Independent Party
A couple of things:
It has long been proven in the media and among political pundits that your beloved Sarah Palin did not kill the Bridge to Nowhere. In fact, she pocketed the money, and spent it elsewhere within the pork barrel state of Alaska.
There are so many other things that lack substantive research within your "humorous" post, but I won't bother dispelling all of them.
Go watch her two interviews with Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity if you really believe that she's up for the job. Please do some more research.
What a first rate piece!
You know your preaching to the crowd, but by the time this gets posted to blogs and forwarded a lot of times, it will reach a few of the bats and perhaps tweak a brain cell or two.
I can't post to my site, so sorry, it is subject specific, but I will forward to my partners.
Just really well done!
Thank you!
hahahah! i love the part where you talk about how palin loves to shoot innocent animals, but she is all pro-life!!! and i also love the part where you tell us that what she kills and doesn't eat, she uses for DECORATION! hhahaha! because that would mean that the animal died for a GOOD purpose then, right?
additionally, who even THINKS of drilling oil (a substance that is finite and will eventually RUN OUT) on a wildlife preserve? there is a reason it is preserved. why don't you people wake up and realize that drilling on our own sacred areas of preserved land only prolongs the inevitable. The problem is not just our dependence on FOREIGN oil, it's our dependence on OIL period. what the hell are you wildlife destroyers gonna do when we're out of oil, and out of preserved land? oh, i forgot, you could care less about the preserved land.
Anonymous, grow up. Have you even LOOKed at the ANWR land? It is a frozen tundra of nothingness, perfect for drilling, and the KEY is to drill cleanly and safely. And to do so NOW, in the US, and get free of foreign oil. If you think we will be independant of oil and oil based products, in ANY of our lifetimes, you are a moron. Almost every little thing you touch each day, has a form of petroleum product in it. Gas powered vehicles and oil heating are only the tip of a huge iceberg. We need oil. Plain as that. And in the meantime, we need to develop all types of alternative fuels. But we still need oil for tons of other things, and it is not going to change because you want it to.
As for killing animals, it is perfectly acceptable behavior for man to kill animals. And in particlar, for those people who use the meat to survive, it is essential. Nope, it's not your call to judge Sarah Palin, or anyone else who hunts, so get over it. I remember my father traveling to India in the 60's and 70's several times, where he saw them "bring out their dead" while sacred cattle ran amok through the filthy streets, and were even fed by the people who were dying of malnutrition and disease. He was horrified that they chose protecting the cows, in favor of starving masses...
McCain/Palin, the sane ticket.
wow trish, you are right. our dependence on oil is most definitely NOT going to change because I want it to. it's going to take everyone coming together to realize that we are going to deplete the earth of all its natural resources. By all means, in OUR lifetime, let's just get what WE need, and leave our children to deal with the mess, right? and the fact that you refer to the ANWR as "nothingness" only proves my point. you think you have some kind of fractional deeded ownership in the earth?? sorry, it doesn't belong to you OR me.
It is FACT that people DO NOT need meat survive. Period. Plenty of mammals are vegetarian. And the last time I checked, humans were mammals.
I personally don't agree with what happens in India in that regard, but people (you) do not give animals rights. Is that why it's "perfectly acceptable" to hunt? The beauty of the conservative hypocrisy is that unborn babies have rights, but animals do not. HOW is that any different??? Because the animal will not be able to grow up and bitch-slap you if it wants?
come out of your tiny world, trish, and the rest of the republican party, and just. stop. being. so. selfish.
Obama is a horrible person who's going to Hell for sure, but you haven't really sold me on Palin. I guess it doesn't matter now that the antichrist is President.
Great post. Really interesting topic I have read. Doing a comparison between the two with additional humor in it, oh the photos too was quite funny. Thanks for sharing this.
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